
Piqued Skills

Indubitably, learning and discovering are part of our daily lives. Learning something new or different might be a challenge to us, pooling our efforts to wrap things up flawlessly and perfectly as much as possible. I’m not saying that things must be done without imperfections, because there’s a tendency of trial and error while doing those things. Just like working on a blog and maintaining a blogsite. Indeed, I’ve got used to writing since I was into writing way back to high school days but writing an article for blog is on the next level. It involves the publicity of your works, open to scrutinizing and critiquing of diverse and heterogeneous people from different cultures all over the globe. It worries me since I’m a private person. My stories, journals, short stories and other works are kept in my cabinet. I don’t want anybody else to scour for them. Moreover, writing for a blog includes step-by-step procedures that would pique your skills in intellectual, emotional, physical and social aspects. Let me discuss these points.
The most arduous part of writing is identifying the topic or the overall concept of the blog. There were many things our group considered including the interests of each members of the group, the significance of the topic, how recent the topic is, and the sufficiency of resources for it. It’s exhausting since we had incongruence of views and opinions. Authoritativeness existed among us yet submissiveness won the game. Finally, we had come up to our overall theme – Music, Arts and Culture. We had chosen it since it’s a “safe “topic, almost encompassing our interests. Who will not appreciate music, arts and culture anyway? I, not so creative, do have a passion in music so I had no problem about the topic.
The next step is immersion. Indeed, in order for you to understand the topic, experience is a must. Gathering data and information from the primary and secondary sources caused affliction to us apart from the money and energy we spent for it. However, those efforts were worth it because it’s fun and unforgettable experience, bonding with my friends and dealing with other people with different personalities.
Writing. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? However, I myself found it too critical and analytical. Why is it so? The novelty lead and the conclusion must be “big bang.” Meaning, it should be interesting enough to attract readers to read the article from the first to last. You should also know how to organize your ideas, articulating the purpose and style with the proper use of transitional devices, words and right grammar. The entire article must have unity, coherence and emphasis. Without these characteristics, the work’s just a CRAP! As I wrote my articles for various entries, I found myself despondent, but I viewed it as training – training for my future at the workplace.
At last, posting the articles for the blogsite was not that difficult. Our group’s cooperation was truly visible. The articles of each member must be sent to my e-mail address for editing. Photos, videos and other files were included. I was responsible for grammar, proper usage of words and other concerns in writing. My group mate was responsible for layout designing and the like. Of course, misunderstandings among us were inevitable especially in terms of the schedule of the submission and posting of the articles. I almost slept late at night, wrapping up those editing activities. But when I worked on it, I had become bitter, knowing that my group mates were asleep during that time. I shifted my mind on other things to get off this on my mind.
To sum it up, working on various things requires skills not only intellectually, but also emotionally as well. Meaning, EQ is also important apart from IQ. You are dealing with other people which are unique and have different personalities, beliefs and values. 
Posted by: Eve Glenn Clarisse P. Morado
BCR 3-1 


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